Updates in our Supplier Scorecard

Dear Valued Business Partner,

This email is to inform you that we, as INNIO Group, are updating our Supplier Scorecard scoring criteria from Q1 2023 onwards.

  • In the sustainability section, we are including more of the social aspect of ESG. Fair and humane labor conditions are just as important to Sustainability as its Environmental and Governance counterparts. To this end, we have decided to include both Diversity and Occupational Health and Safety to our Supplier Scorecard assessments. The INNIO Team will be reaching out to you to gather the relevant data. For any questions related to sustainability, please reach out to Mr. Ilicea (valentin.ilicea@innio.com)
    These new areas of focus will be replacing our REACH and % Renewable Energy criteria in the scorecard. The two replaced criteria remain very important to us, however this will mean that the Sustainability section of the Scorecard will stay at 15 points.
  • In the planning and logistics section, we are granting points for a fulfillment performance starting at 81% (not 91% as before). For a detailed explanation of our Scorecard criteria, please use the documents attached as reference.

What’s next:

INNIO is going to include Business Continuity & Resilience Planning in our Supplier Scorecard scoring criteria – starting with the Scorecard you will receive for Q2 2023.

Proven by the events over last years, Business Continuity and Supply Chain Resilience are becoming increasingly important focus areas for businesses. Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) are the first line of defense and provide insights into a company’s ability and capacity to react to crisis. Adding this criteria to the supplier scorecard will raise the awareness of our suppliers to the importance of BCPs but also the awareness of other risk mediation methods. It will encourage suppliers to improve upon current standards which, in turn, improves INNIOs resilience to risk.

We have requested your input on Business Continuity & Resilience Planning previously and will approach you with our current available information and corresponding assessment throughout the next weeks. We are asking you to review your current score and, if necessary, provide further input to us. To make sure your efforts are accurately measured, we will align with you within Q2 to review your input – in case of questions, please reach out to katherine.webber@innio.com

These new Scorecard criteria will represent 5 points in total toward your final Supplier Scorecard score.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to hearing from you on this matter. All general questions regarding Scorecard and supplier performance can be addressed at: daniela.ivanovic@innio.com

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