SupplyOn – Process Changes

Dear Business Partner,

We would like to inform you about two process changes in SupplyOn that will allow you to capture your data with greater transparency and quality in the future. The following changes will be implemented:

Order View

With effect from March 22, SupplyOn will replace the existing order view with a new, optimized interface. This allows you to view position information and confirm it directly in the overview. An information sheet on the changed view and detailed training materials can be found attached to this message. SupplyOn also offers two online training sessions on April 6, which you can register for via this link. Detailed information about the new view can also be found on the SupplyOn help page.

Calculation of Due Dates/Due Deliveries

To provide you with maximum information and clarity for transport registration in the future, we have decided to adjust this calculation and base it on your promised date, which is your confirmed delivery date.

Until now, individual due dates for FPA and ASN creation, as well as for the due deliveries overview, were calculated based on our need-by date. To provide you with maximum information and clarity for transport registration in the future, we have decided to adjust this calculation and base it on your promised date, which is your confirmed delivery date.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the SupplyOn customer support team via or a direct phone contact from your region.

Best regards,
Your INNIO Planning Team.

/ Media Download

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SupplyOn – INNIO Order Confirmation

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Info sheet – New Orders View

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